The #1 WEB3 platform for digital marketing services

A SocialFi marketplace connecting web3 projects with KOLs


Social Discovery and Trending

Efficient discovery of KOLs and web3 projects in various categories such as NFTs, DeFi, AI, and Meme that integrates a social layer based on X to identify trending individuals and web3 topics in each category, ranking them based on relevancy.

SocialFi features

We allow Web3 projects and KOLs to follow
and to be invested in each others
success long-term by allowing parties to
buy keys from each other to signal their support.

Marketplace with on-chain reputation system

Our marketplace caters to both web3 projects and KOLs each other. They can create offers with their respective budgets or pricing and send requests. The unique feature is that they can follow, verify and review their past experiences and collaborations on-chain, increasing trust and transparency.

Deal Payment Management System

Our platform allows Web3 projects and KOLs to effectively accept or reject offers and manage their collaborations. This includes the standardization of creating terms and agreements, and offering various payment options, such as escrow services, to enhance safety and efficiency.


Enhanced Visibility

Our platform assists KOLs and web3 projects in increasing their visibility. This saves both parties time in finding the ideal partner for your marketing campaigns.

Improved Trust

We enhance trust by assisting web3 projects and KOLs in verifying each other and their previous on-chain experiences. Our escrow system helps avoid scams by withholding funds until services are fulfilled.

Increased Deal Flow

We support KOLs in generating a consistent income stream while transparently building their on-chain reputation.

Better Price Transparency

KOLs can list their service prices and allow projects to book them. Projects can also send custom requests, post jobs, and indicate their budgets, allowing KOLs to bid for participation in campaigns.

Redefining On-chain Collaboration
dApp Coming Soon. Stay Tuned